Whether you’re a blossoming new artist, or thriving in your practice, The Endless Art Challenge deck provides an inspiring opportunity for growing your style or a free-flowing warm up. There’s no rules as to your skill level or medium – the point of these cards is to jump start your creative mind. You could even gift it to fellow creative, aspiring artist, or a young art student!
Comprised of 90 cards, this deck is split into three categories to get your creative juices flowing:
SUBJECT: A word of phrase to provide direction for your artwork’s focus
COLOUR: A colour or palette to base your work upon, either as a whole or in part
WILD CARD: A final prompt, providing further inspiration for your piece
Pick one card from each section to craft your prompt, gives you over 25,000 possible combinations.
In addition to the prompts, the flip-side of each card features the artwork from one of 90 artists around the world – one of whom is me! Discovering new creators has always been a huge source of inspiration and drive for me, and following them on social media means that I can keep up to date with their awe-inspiring work and careers too!
Share your artwork on social media using the hashtag #TheEndlessArtChallenge so that the creator Megan Roy and us featured artists can see your stunning creations!